Wednesday 9 March 2016

The #goacc Moment of the Week (3/9/2016)

The weekly in-depth look at the best (worst?) moments in ACC schadenfreude.

Man did we have another incredibly close vote last week, y'all. Just by a smidge, we had the NC State Police blotter's chicken run defeat a hell of an effort by #goacc gladiator Russell Wilson. As we head to our final week of the regular season, we've got another fantastic slate of entries for y'all to vote on. We'll close with a ridiculous winner of the #suregrin award, some awesome photoshops, and a couple of BAH GAWDs! Let's get right down to it y'all. Which is your #goacc Moment of the Week? Vote below!

1. Nevada vandalized NC State's basketball jerseys, probably (h/t @RL_Bynum).

Did Adidas think this was Nevada? Wolfpack is two words on the uniforms N.C. State wore today. #ACCTourney

— R.L. Bynum (@RL_Bynum) March 8, 2016

Good grief, while this is just a minor typographical mistake, you'd think Adidas would have an idea by now that Wolfpack is one word for NC State. Still, I'm going to blame Nevada for this, and their ridiculous use of an extra space.

2. Apparently Maryland wants back in the ACC, part 85 (h/t @joeovies).

Hey @notthefakeSVP, this guy at the ACC Tournament says he wants back in.

— Joe Ovies (@joeovies) March 8, 2016

Seriously Maryland, enough already. You aren't coming back. Just let it go.

3. Jamie Luckie remains a tremendously terrible person (h/t @IraSchoffel).

The ACC tournament is not going to have any rogue court sweepers on Jamie Luckie's watch.

— Ira Schoffel (@IraSchoffel) March 8, 2016

This is why the media should be able to ask refs questions after games. I would've blasted that dunce of a ref for this kind of behavior. Are there really no better refs out there where we have to constantly be stuck with that guy?

4. The media up at the ACC Tournament all got a hilarious email about an app to help them park in D.C. (h/t @joedyAP).

Um, thanks, PR flak. This is a first paragraph I never thought I’d read anywhere, much less in a press release.

— Joedy McCreary (@JoedyAP) March 7, 2016

This really should be the motto for next year's ACC Tournament. "The 2017 ACC Tournament in Brooklyn: You'll lose your shit."

5. WRAL posted a picture in a story about the loss to Notre Dame that included Kyle Washington...who doesn't play at State anymore (h/t @ihatelightblue).

I thought certain players were invisible today,but none more than kyle. Thanks @WRAL for pointing it out! @PackPride

— Steve Young (@Ihatelightblue) March 5, 2016

I think Kyle is as surprised to be in this picture as we all are.

6. Boston College completed the quest for Double Perfection (h/t @ESPNCBB).

BC becomes 1st team in ACC history to go winless in both basketball & football conference play in same school year.

— ESPN College BBall (@ESPNCBB) March 5, 2016

This is a tough one to not include, mainly because it represents a total amalgamation of the futility of BC athletics this year. And right on cue, BC lost again yesterday, meaning they went 0-27 across Football and Basketball in the ACC. Can you imagine Packpride if that ever happened at State? Or worse, SFN? I feel like they'd go to war about it.

7. Sweet pass, Notre Dame (h/t to our own @akulawolf).

The ref was open

— Steven (@akulawolf) March 5, 2016

Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust a bit outside.

8. Tim Duncan runs into his own player, Pop laughs (h/t @SBNation).

This is still the play of the night so far (via @thecauldron):

— SB Nation (@SBNation) March 4, 2016

I'm amazed that someone was actually able to make Pop laugh.

9. "The Kay Yao Award." (h/t @wmdeitrick).

@PackPride whomp

— William Deitrick (@wmdeitrick) March 4, 2016

This was covered a few days ago, but it warrants #goacc recognition as well. Good heavens.

the #suregrin award.

This week's award goes out to Chicago Tribune "columnist" Bernie Lincicome, who thinks that the 3 point line is bad for basketball. If you can make it through 2 paragraphs of this, you deserve your own award:

Column: 3-point shot created for people who couldn't play basketball

— Chicago Tribune (@chicagotribune) March 6, 2016

If ever there was a perfect example of the "Old Man Yells at Cloud" picture from the Simpsons, this is it.

The best photoshops of the week!

If you missed the story of Sam Dekker posting some pictures of his Houston Rockets teammate Dwight Howard, well damn did you miss a gem. Dwight apparently felt the need to do some glamour shots...which immediately got the Crying Jordan treatment:

RT @dekker Found this on dwights iPad. Why this guy taking senior pictures as a grown man

— Kenny (@AllegedCarelord) March 8, 2016

Fantastic. Also, since the ACC Tournament is in DC, this photoshop from Weather Moose only seems appropriate:


— Weather Moose (@WXMoose) March 7, 2016

And now, for your moment of wrasslin'...


In case you hadn't heard, Hulk Hogan is in the midst of a lawsuit against Gawker media. Well, his first day of testimony got interrupted by an old colleague:


— Will Thompson (@thrillis4) March 8, 2016

Next thing you know Ric Flair is gonna come struttin down that aisle to testify. Moving to the NBA, the Heat Mascot decided to try and hit a swanton bomb on some fellow mascots, and he landed it perfectly:

The Heat Mascot destroys a bunch of other mascots, as called by Jim Ross!! (Original vine by @nick_pants)

— Will Thompson (@thrillis4) March 8, 2016

Have a great week everyone!

Which is your #goacc Moment of the Week?

  103 votes | Results

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