Friday 25 March 2016

The 3rd #goacc ToC: Page145 Second Round

The best of the best (worst?) have been selected after a rigorous process by the selection committee. Now it's up to you to help determine the #goacc champion of the season.

Alright folks, sorry for the delay between rounds, but we're here to kick off round 2 of voting. We had a huge turn out for the first round of voting so let's keep up that trend! In this region, technically only one upset occurred, but as much as that 12 seed won by, can it really be counted as an upset?

Remember, the voting area will be up here, so after you review the matchups, come back up to the top to vote, and use the storystream link on the right to access the other regionals directly from here!

Create your own user feedback survey


1. Page 145


8. Louisville player heads to the wrong bench


— Steven (@akulawolf) July 20, 2015

Oops! @GoCards forward Jaylen Johnson accidentally went to the wrong bench last night. #L1C4

— ACC Digital Network (@theACCDN) January 8, 2016

Y'all, one thing I forgot to mention on the above. Every single one of you that voted in the opening round for this region voted for Page 145. Not even one single contrarian voted otherwise just to be different. That's some STRONG #goacc right there, folks. We've never had a shut out, not once ever in this. Some history in this tournament, and that's pretty special. Will that shutout streak continue here? It very well could, considering this 8 seed limped into this round by a vote margin of about 10 or so.

4. Frank Beamer dabbing


12. UNC fan sends dumb email to Andrew Carter

Frank Beamer with ALL THE DABS!

— SB Nation (@SBNation) November 28, 2015

Someone help my man out. It's early yet on a Sunday ...

— Andrew Carter (@_andrewcarter) October 25, 2015

HOOOOOOO boy, y'all. This could be one of the toughest votes we've ever had. You've got this upstart 12 seed here that won by a country mile in the first round, going up against the #goacc legend himself, Frank Beamer. I've got no idea on this one at all. It's a shame one of them is going home after this round.

3. Ryan Switzer goes up to try and get caught by a teammate, is caught by nobody


6. Duke basketball managers sprint like crazy

Still laughing at Ryan Switzer hoping to be caught by his teammate

— Mark Armstrong (@ArmstrongABC11) September 21, 2015

Where are they going? Why are they in such a hurry?

— Deadspin (@Deadspin) January 19, 2016

Much like this year's actual Duke basketball team, this 6 seed has a lot of talent, but they're going up against a far more talented foe here, so I suspect they'll put up a valiant effort but come up short. I could be wrong, but I like Switzer to advance.

2. That awful foul in the Wake-State basketball game


7. Jameis Winston appears on a banner ad for Publix

They called this a foul on Freeman. What an embarrassment of a call. Dude just missed the dunk on his own

— Lon Petrini (@Lon_Petrini) February 13, 2016

Jameis Winston on a Publix banner... Who did this?????

— Kenny Wilson (@KenWithBenefits) August 29, 2015

Come on...this region is just shaping up to a titanic showdown between the top two seeds....right? There's no way Jameis is going to sneak out with a victory here.

Remember to vote back at the top of the page, and to use the Storystream links on the right to vote in the other regionals!

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