Wednesday 23 March 2016

Jordan Lake allocations: Prelude to the water wars?

Get it while you can:

The state is asking the public to weigh in on how Jordan Lake's water will be divvied up for the next 30 years.

Jordan Lake can supply about a 100 million gallons of drinking water a day. Right now, Triangle communities are sucking up 63 percent of that supply. But the region is growing, and a draft recommendation from the Division of Water Resources would allocate about 96 percent of the supply by 2045.

I wonder if anybody at DWQ has factored in how much hydraulic fracturing would demand once we start playing that dangerous game? They're probably avoiding that consideration right now, but somebody needs to look at it. Most people are (now) aware that each fracked well consumes 4-5 million gallons of fresh water, but that pales in comparison when you look at regional annual usage:

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