Friday 25 March 2016

The 3rd #goacc ToC: Officiating Second Round

The best of the best (worst?) have been selected after a rigorous process by the selection committee. Now it's up to you to help determine the #goacc champion of the season.

Now let's take a look at what happened in the Officiating Regional's opening round. A couple of really close votes, featuring one particularly big upset by another ten seed, but for the most part there was a lot of chalk in this region. Let's see if that trend holds for the second round! Remember, the voting area is up here at the top, so scroll down to review the matchups, then return up here to vote, and also use the Storystream links on the right to vote in the other regionals!

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1. The ending to the Duke/Miami football game


8. Some people were real confused as to why Cat Barber was trending

So if you don't like my still pic here is the video. He's down before the ball is out. Review said he wasn't.

— Jeff Gravley (@jgravleyWRAL) November 1, 2015

TFW you see 'cat barber' trending and you hope there's video of a kitty mauling a pet groomer but instead it's just some basketball dude.

— Nien Nunb (@Nien_Nunb) December 17, 2015

A straight chalk matchup here, but sorry, Nien Numb. You should probably worry more about helping the Resistance against the First Order these days than spend anymore time wishing your tweet makes it past this opponent. There's just no way there's going to be an upset here that I can see.

4. Oh yeah, more Frank Beamer face!


5. UNC told recruits they don't expect potential NCAA penalties to affect them


— Dan Weiner (@DanWeiner) November 13, 2015

#goacc RT @TheBenSwain: UNC football commit: "I have their word that (NCAA penalties) won’t affect football".

— The Life of Paulus (@TeaBagPaulus919) June 20, 2015

Oh man, what a tough call here. While I thought this was Beamer's strongest entry in the field, based on the number of you that voted for the 5 seed here, I could easily see an upset. We'll see, but I bet this one will be SUPER close.

3. Nobody cares about BC Basketball in Boston


6. Nobody gives Ron Cherry the business!

Asked for cab to Conte Forum.
"Connie who?"
"No, no-Conte Forum."
[blank stare]
"Where Boston College plays basketball."
Eagles mania here.

— Andrew Carter (@_andrewcarter) February 9, 2016

#goacc RT @ACCBiggz: A very dumb penalty, and Ron Cherry's reaction.

— Joe Ovies (@joeovies) November 21, 2015

A matchup of "nobody" statements, if nothing else. Yet another tough call in this second round, to be honest. Both are excellent choices worthy of moving on to the #goacc Sweet Sixteen, but alas, there can be only one.

2. That's not the US Capitol, ACC


10. Jim Larranaga doing the whip and nae nae

Love ya ACC, but this isn't the U.S. Capitol (via @marctomik)

— Dan Steinberg (@dcsportsbog) February 22, 2016

Ok, how have I not seen this GIF of LarraƱaga?

— Will Thompson (@thrillis4) November 18, 2015

I'd really like to think that Larranaga could move on to the Sweet 16, but this could be too much to overcome for the Tilde. That's a strong two seed, and I would be stunned if it doesn't move on to the next round.

Remember to vote back at the top of the page, and use the Storystream links on the right to vote in the other regionals!

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