Saturday 19 March 2016

McCrory's twisted logic in Coal Ash Commission disbandment

A wild interpretation of what the Supremes already interpreted:

The McCrory administration, however, says that since the appointments provision in the 2014 law that created the commission was found to be unconstitutional, then the commission itself is unconstitutional.

“It was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court,” spokesman Graham Wilson said in an email Friday. “It, therefore, no longer existed and could conduct no work. You don’t have to ‘disband’ an entity that no longer exists.”

None of the complaints levied by the administration in the run-up to this decision declared the Commission wasn't needed. It all had to do with appointments. And the creation of boards and commissions is a Legislative function, not Executive. So in your zeal to "declare total victory" or whatever the hell you're doing, you've gone from one branch's overreach to another branch's overreach. A fine example of why neither of those branches should be controlled by Republicans.

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