Sunday 27 March 2016

Gene Nichol on Thom Tillis' twisted logic

Through the looking glass, indeed:

Next, Tillis argued that declining to hold hearings and vote on a nominee is, after all, an appropriate exercise of “advise and consent.” So, a Senate which flatly refused to even consider any presidential appointments – thus incapacitating the operation of two branches of government – would be carrying out its obligations rather than nullifying them. Refusing to offer advice and consent, in other words, constitutes advice and consent.

No is yes, black is white, false is true. As with Humpty Dumpty, “a word means just what (he) chooses it to mean, neither more nor less.” Of course, with Tillis, we know the methodology sweeps broader. Refusing to feed starving children, nurtures them. Denying them life-saving health care, savors their dignity. Giving massive tax cuts to millionaires secures the prosperity of the poor. Such is life through the looking glass.

So glad Professor Nichol wrote this. To be honest, I couldn't bring myself to watch the whole video, even if it was less than five minutes long. The part of me that hates to see misinformation spewed wanted to, but the other part of me that tries to avoid having an aneurysm won the debate, and I clicked that little red "X" and went on my merry way.

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