Monday 21 March 2016

The impatience of bigotry: Special Session begins in 5, 4, 3...

When 3/5 of your elected officials are scared of their own shadow:

According to NC Speaker of the House Tim Moore, legislators could call a special session this week. He said the House has met the state requirement of a three-fifths majority. Now they're just waiting on the Senate.

Lawmakers are upset over a portion of the ordinance, which will allow transgender people to use whichever bathroom they prefer in public places.

And the Senate has already empaneled a special committee to "strategize" about the best way to meddle in Charlotte's affairs. It's somewhere between sad and contemptible when your first order of business is to strip away the rights of others, but that's the government we allowed to take power. On a personal note, I have a request: Please stop referring to Caitlyn Jenner in clever commentary about the "unintended consequences" of this GOP position. It only serves to highlight how "revolting" standing beside her in the bathroom would be for many of these folks, and regardless of her media spectacle and Jenner family dysfunction, it doesn't make it "okay" to use her gender identification in a negative fashion.

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