Friday 18 March 2016

LGBT advocates take their fight to Raleigh

And it's a fight to protect the safety of citizens:

Supporters say the ordinance protects transgender people from being harassed or assaulted for trying to use the restroom and sets a tone of tolerance and acceptance for the Charlotte community.

Erica Lachowitz said she was beaten nearly to death while she was walking down a street 20 years ago for being transgender. Now, she has a family and a job she loves in Charlotte, and she worked to get the ordinance passed, saying forcing her to use a men's room would subject her to harassment and assault.

In some ways it is unfortunate this ordinance was passed in the run-up to a Presidential Election, especially considering Trump's Primary victory here. All General Assembly seats are up for grabs, and there is a big chunk of (possibly new) bigoted voters out there to "impress" with hateful antics. It does not bode well for the survival of this non-discrimination effort, but the support must continue.

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