Wednesday 30 March 2016

Romer v. Evans provides the teeth to chew up HB2

The US Supreme Court has already spoken:

The U.S. Supreme Court, in a decision called Romer v. Evans, found that Colorado’s constitutional amendment violated the rights of gay Coloradans under the U.S. Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. The amendment, stated the court, deprived one “politically unpopular group” – gays and lesbians in Colorado – from exercising their rights to persuade their local governments for the protections that other groups in those cities already enjoyed. There was no explanation for such a deprivation of rights, said the court, other than “animosity toward the class of persons affected.”

As the author notes, efforts to defend this prejudicial bill will likely fall on deaf ears, because their motives were plainly revealed during the process. The "Special Session" itself was called to head off the active date of Charlotte's non-discrimination ordinance, so they can't claim the two aren't directly connected. And as you can see when reading Romer v. Evans, taking away the rights of citizens to seek relief from their local governments is a big no-no:

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