Wednesday 23 March 2016

Veil of secrecy surrounds Special Session bill

Another undemocratic pop-quiz for lawmakers to guess at:

Andy Munn, a spokesman for Moore, declined to provide a copy of the draft legislation and said it probably wouldn’t be made public until Wednesday – hours before it comes to a first vote. “There are still a few tweaks to be made to it,” he said. Munn wouldn’t provide details of the proposal under consideration.

House Minority Leader Larry Hall, a Durham Democrat, called on Moore to release the bill so legislators can consider what they’ll be voting on Wednesday. “We’re playing hide-and-seek democracy here,” Hall told The News & Observer Tuesday afternoon. “We don’t know what we’re discussing here, we don’t know what we’re voting on. What we’re doing is a perversion of the process.”

This observation might seem a little on the "obvious" side, but apparently the defining principles of our form of government need to be re-iterated: Citizens of a democracy expect their government to be "deliberative" in nature, which requires a frank discussion about prospective policies before a decision is arrived at by each individual, and a vote is taken. Efforts to conceal the elements of a new policy proposal and then force a quick vote are the behaviors of a tyrannical regime, not a legitimate representative government. And the Republicans that take part in this sham should be ashamed of themselves, and replaced by someone more worthy.

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