Saturday 19 March 2016

The US DOJ fires warning shot across NC court system's bow

Speaking of the advantages of having women in charge:

In a letter to chief judges and court administrators, Vanita Gupta, the Justice Department’s top civil rights prosecutor, and Lisa Foster, who leads a program on court access, warned against operating courthouses as for-profit ventures. It chastised judges and court staff members for using arrest warrants as a way to collect fees. Such policies, the letter said, made it more likely that poor people would be arrested, jailed and fined anew — all for being unable to pay in the first place.

Yes. A thousand times, yes. The economic injustices are rife throughout our legal system, and the free-market nut-jobs running our state (and Congress) are making it worse by the minute. They've defunded the courts, slashed legal aid to the point advocacy is no longer guaranteed, at least not in a timely fashion, and have allowed the collusion of debt collectors and court officials to the point we have re-instituted Victorian-era debtor's prisons. We don't live in a democracy any more, it's some crazy feudal hybrid thing that casually reduces a growing percentage of our population to second-class citizens. These issues are not academic, they are very real for many suffering families:

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