Saturday 12 March 2016

Senator Burr forced to cast provisional ballot


It's quite possible the dog ate my driver's license:

U.S. Sen. Richard Burr cast a ballot during the the early voting period for the North Carolina primary after going to a polling place without an acceptable form of identification. Burr, a Republican from Winston-Salem running for re-election, cast a provisional ballot and filled out a “reasonable impediment” form, state elections records show.

“Sen. Burr discovered he lost his ID when he arrived at the polling location, but he went out and got a new drivers license,” his spokeswoman said in an email.

And I'd like to know exactly what forms of identification he was asked to present by the DMV. If one were cynical, one might speculate this whole thing was staged, so the Senator could be called to testify in court that the Voter ID issue is not partisan in nature. Or something along those lines.

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