Wednesday 9 March 2016

More on Jay Faison's "Environmental Republican" movement

Oops, they left out renewable energy generation:

Faison, a North Carolina conservative, has already set up the ClearPath Foundation to promote conservative clean-energy solutions. He is also starting a Super PAC. This morning at the National Press Club he’s set to lay out a digital campaign aimed at policymakers and an expanded advisory team to prod along his cause. He’s also opening a D.C. office led by Zak Baig, a former aide to Sen. David Vitter. Faison says he wants small government, free markets and innovation to solve the climate problem, favoring carbon capture, natural gas and nuclear plants.

Bolding mine. In the absence of a sustained effort to install more Solar and wind generation, carbon emissions will continue to rise. And natural gas production, with its fugitive methane leakage, could do more to increase climate change than any other single factor. But setting aside Faison's misplaced priorities, he also seems to have the McCrory disease of hiring the worst possible people for a particular job. Zak Baig was not only an "aide" to Vitter, he helped the climate change-denying Senator formulate his many vicious attacks against the Obama administration's attempts to enact sound climate policy:

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