Thursday 1 October 2015

Shadrach Thornton releases statement regarding dismissal from NC State football program

Shadrach Thornton released a lengthy statement Thursday to address his dismissal from the football program after his most recent arrest. Thornton was arrested Tuesday night and dismissed from the program less than 24 hours later. Pack Pride has the full statement; here's a portion:

I would like to start off with an apology; it was never my intention to bring disgrace to this community, university or the staff. I am elated at the opportunities that I've had here at the University, and I deeply apologize for the position that I've put you in.

This still sucks all the way around, that's safe to say. It's pretty much the only thing I've determined for certain about this whole ordeal. Credit to Thornton for the attitude he's displaying here, and I'll be pulling for him to get his shot at the NFL.

NC State will move on with the same backfield it used during the first two weeks of the season, with Matt Dayes handling a lot of the work while getting support from Dakwa Nichols, Reggie Gallaspy, and Jaylen Samuels.

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