Wednesday 28 October 2015

Christensen on Spellings: "Nothing to see here, folks."

Another round of false equivalencies and historic rationalizations:

But if you look at the backgrounds of past UNC presidents, you will find they are diverse lot – businessmen and college administrators, liberals and conservatives. None have had a Ph.D. Several have been deeply involved in politics. Few had any classroom teaching experience.

When the UNC Board of Governors or their predecessors have searched for a new president, they have not looked for one particular model. Undoubtedly some of the skepticism about Spellings is political. Much of the left feels about George W. Bush about the way the right feels about Barack Obama. Anybody closely associated with either man is immediately suspect by those who hold opposing views.

Once again, Rob puts forward the theory that public opinion is based mostly on a "shallow" analysis of a person or policy, and if only we had his vast experience keeping score in the political arena we could grasp the truths that elude us. And once again, he fails to mention the most damning characteristics of the subject in question: Her history of leading the largest and most disreputable conglomeration of for-profit online universities in the country, which have bilked students and parents out of billions in tuition over the years, and her openly bigoted stance dealing with LGBT rights. Both of those characteristics set her widely apart from previous Presidents of the UNC System, and both should have been dis-qualifiers for the job. Once again, Rob, politics is not a sport, where you compare earned run averages or free-throw percentages. It has a real-world impact on the lives of the people of our state, and Margaret Spellings has the potential to do great harm to the tens of thousands trying to reach their potential via the UNC System. They are the ones who need to be given a chance, not her.

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