Friday 16 October 2015

State unveils online driver's license renewal

And everybody applauds as the first shoe drops:

"The old system was broken. It was archaic. Unfortunately, citizens were spending 6-8 hours in line," Secretary of Law Enforcement Spencer Collier said during a Thursday afternoon press conference, at the ALEA driver license reinstatement office in Montgomery. Due to budget constraints coupled with new improvements, some driver license field offices only open one to two days a week will close, Collier said today.

Offices subject to closure have yet to be identified.

As we now know, that second shoe was a vigorous kick in the pants for African-Americans across Alabama, who must now travel outside their county to obtain one of the few "acceptable" forms of identification in order to conform to their state's strict Voter ID law. It also places an added economic burden on young African-Americans entering college or the workforce, who will (somehow) have to travel 50-100 miles or more just to obtain their driver's license. Do not for one minute believe that couldn't happen here in NC. The first shoe has already dropped.

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