Wednesday 28 October 2015

Chancellor Randy Woodson and his wife donating $1.15 million to NC State to establish new scholarship

A lot of things within the NC State community have improved since the school hired Randy Woodson to be its chancellor five years ago. Donations are up, NC State's endowment is closing on the $1 billion mark, etc. Woodson has played a major role in all of it, and there's no better example of his impact than Tuesday's news that he and his wife are donating more than a million dollars to the school.

This money will be used to create the NC State Employee Dependent's Tuition Scholarship, which is such a brilliant idea it's hard to figure how nobody thought of it before. Here is what this scholarship means for current and future NC State undergraduate students:

The new NC State Employee Dependent's Tuition Scholarship will offer awards of at least $2,000 per year for a maximum of four years to all dependents of full-time employees who are successfully admitted to the university as undergraduate students and meet basic requirements. Current students in good academic standing will be eligible to receive scholarships for their remaining undergraduate years. Final details of eligibility and criteria will be shared soon with the campus community, but family income and employee job function will not be factors. The value of the award could increase based on the number of qualified applicants and available funds.

Billy Randy, you're my boy! My heart grew five sizes out of sheer pride when I read about this earlier in the day. Another thank you is in order for a man who has once again enriched the NC State community.

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