Saturday 17 October 2015

Saturday News: Circus train wreck edition


UNC train wreck (Greensboro News & Record) -- Friday’s UNC Board of Governors train wreck was set in motion back in January, but it wasn’t inevitable. Chairman John Fennebresque could have applied the brakes before running off the rails. Instead, he accelerated. Now, tremendous damage has been done and many people have been hurt — not least a former U.S. secretary of education who might have become the next UNC president. Or still might.

Chaos reigns in UNC search (Charlotte Observer) -- Groucho Marx said he didn’t want to belong to any club that would accept people like him as a member. And we’re not sure we want any UNC system president who’s willing to work for this Board of Governors’ club. The circus around the University of North Carolina’s search for a new president made national headlines Friday.

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