Thursday 22 October 2015

Confederacy of dunces coming to Chapel Hill


Don't worry, there is no mastermind behind this event

“It’s nothing racist,” Williamson said. “It’s standing up namely for the school itself, which a lot of people don’t understand, and the folks who went to Chapel Hill, the student body who fought for the cause of Northern oppression. That’s what the Civil War was about.” Southerners who fought in the Civil War were standing up for their rights by opposing “overbearing government, taxes” and the taking of their land, he said.

“We’re not just standing up for one particular thing,” Williamson said. “We’re standing up for the state of North Carolina and the good parts that need to be remembered, not the bad stuff. The bad stuff, we had no part in, and that’s not why we fought the war.”

Taxes? There were no Federal income taxes levied on North Carolinians prior to the early 20th Century. There were tariffs, but those only tangentially affected most citizens. The State, however, did decide to avoid property taxes, which would hurt their slave plantation-owning friends, and instead taxed the crap out of the middle class. And just like it is these days, half of the population refused to recognize the tyranny in their own back yard.

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