Wednesday 14 October 2015

It's official: Deborah Ross is running for US Senate

Dick Burr may actually be in trouble this time:

"We all want a government that puts people first," Ross said in a three-minute campaign video. "I don't have every answer, and I won't promise to make all problems immediately disappear. But what I do have is a strong faith in America's promise to make people's lives better."

"Many of the politicians in Washington have made a mess. They play political games while families face real challenges," she said. "These challenges aren’t for the faint of heart. It’s going to take leaders who won’t shy away just because it is hard," she said. "We need a government that puts people first."

I generally abhor the idea of going negative in campaigns, but Richard Burr has slouched back to DC numerous times because his opponents thought they could win without seriously attacking him. So a couple of decades of dis-service to North Carolinians in general and veterans in particular have gone unchallenged, and most voters are simply unaware of his behavior. And because of that, he keeps winning.

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