Monday 3 October 2016

Hurricane Floyd rips into Burr campaign

Okay, he's more of a gentle Spring shower, but still:

There’s a saying: Never wrestle a pig. You get dirty, and the pig likes it. U.S. Sen. Richard Burr is a case in point. Burr’s campaign and his Super-PAC allies are flooding the TV airwaves with dishonest ads that try to dupe voters into believing that opponent Deborah Ross opposed the state’s sex-offender registry. There’s no twisting of words that would make this true.

In his previous campaigns and in Washington, Burr regularly distorts the truth for partisan advantage. He’s taking his cue from Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a notoriously dirty campaigner and fellow champion for plutocracy. Burr has a lot of nerve in using this page of the mudslinging campaign playbook. He’s voted against funding for the federal sex-offender registry.

Welp, when you piss off Floyd McKissick, you've done something.

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