Sunday 23 October 2016

Duelling Chairs: Keever and Hayes square off in the OpEd column

So many analogies to choose from, but Rocky and Bullwinkle keep coming to mind:

Even if we set aside the tremendous damage HB2 has done to our economy and our reputation, McCrory’s claims of a “Carolina Comeback” ring hollow. Most of the state’s economic gains have flowed to those at the very top, thanks to McCrory’s tax cuts for the wealthy and tax hikes on the rest of us. McCrory has raised taxes on the middle class in 67 different ways – you can see each of them at

Our choices are clear: Will we continue to move forward? Will we work together to build a greater North Carolina and a stronger United States? Or will we let ourselves be divided by fear, bigotry and hatred?

While Patsy may have dedicated a little too much column space to hammering on HB2 when there are so many other Republican-backed policies that have plagued our state, her position is well-reasoned and factual. Can't say the same for Robin Hayes, who predictably throws reason and reality to the wind:

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