Friday 28 October 2016

NC State makes unfortunate cameo during Apple’s MacBook Pro event


Every now and again Apple has a big to-do wherein they discuss the latest with the phones and the typing and the computers and such. I’ve never paid them much attention, because I do not find Apple products nearly as interesting as a lot of people.

So it was another normal Apple event on Thursday, you know, me just scrolling past every mention of it on Twitter, WHEN SUDDENLY

Apple's Live Event today featured last weekend's blowouts of NC State and Arkansas (as a h/t to CEO Tim Cook):

— RedditCFB (@RedditCFB) October 27, 2016

Oh for the love of ... [heavy sigh] ... why did you have to go there, presenter lady, for the love of god where was the need***? Siri could have bailed us out, at least. A simple response of “what’s Louisville?” or “why not a good book that’s not about football in the least?” would have sufficed.

But no, let us cut straight to a Ryan Finley interception pass for all the world to see. You say this is an example of technological advancement, madam, well I say it is the hideous perversion of technology.

Worst of it is, knowing the rivalry that’s ongoing, Microsoft’s next PowerPoint-fueled product presentation led by some super-pleated eggnog is now certain to feature Gio Bernard’s punt return.

(*** Yes, I know Apple CEO Tim Cook is an alumnus of both Duke and Auburn, which explains the game choices here.)

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