Saturday 15 October 2016

Josh Stein vs Buck Newton: The choice couldn't be more clear

Dedicated public servant vs pay-to-play bigot:

Stein says he is up against millions of dollars in special-interest support for his opponent, Republican state Sen. Buck Newton, 48, of Wilson, who Stein says has the support of payday lenders (Stein helped drive them out of the state) and gambling interests hoping to get a foothold in the state. Newton regrettably has been supportive of conservative and highly questionable and divisive social issues, evidenced by his sponsorship of Senate Bill 2, which exempted magistrates from doing their duty in performing all marriages if they chose not to. Newton is a hard-right conservative who’s focused mainly on attacking Stein and Cooper.

This campaign season has been riddled with vicious attack ads, but the one that stands out the most (to me) is this one: p.s. I know you're getting tired of seeing crap like this, but you gotta know your enemy.

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