Friday 28 October 2016

The twisted mind of NC's premier vote suppressor

Jay DeLancy takes conspiracy theory to the next level:

So the average person should realize that, No. 1, this is not about racism. This is about honest elections. Yes, there is an impact on access to the polls. But it’s not barriers, it’s not Jim Crow. It’s equally applied law and so dismiss the idea of racism and ask yourself, “Why is it that people are screaming so loudly about this?” In the words of Shakespeare, “The lady doth protest too much methinks,” and so that has been something that really motivated us. That fact that people are protesting so much makes me go, “There’s something here.” We don’t even know what it is. We should probably be afraid, but instead we just feel empowered. People encourage us all the time and we hope people will give us an equal listen and make up their own minds on this.

First of all, it's been proven in a court of law, after reams of evidence were presented, that Republicans intentionally targeted African-American voters with their voter suppression tactics. That prejudicial cat is out of the bag, and it ain't going back in. Second, you never tried to present your ideas to the general public in an effort to "convince them" of the veracity of your claims, you took part in the backroom plotting to get this horrifically anti-democratic law passed. And you tried to bully anybody, including the Wake County Board of Elections, who dared to question your McCarthy-ish approach to voting. Now you want to be reasonable? Oh, hell no. Take your tinfoil hat and your shattered dreams of relevance and crawl back under that rock you came from. And here's one of the best examples of projecting I've ever seen:

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