Monday 24 October 2016

Why yes, a shirtless Mark Gottfried did make his Primetime With The Pack entrance in a boxing getup

The Gott Man is rarely short on surprises.

NC State held its annual Primetime With The Pack event on Friday (you know, the yearly not-quite-Midnight-Madness dealio), and as usual Mark Gottfried found a unique way to make an entrance. In the past, he’s come flying in from the rafters, but this year he set the standard by which all future efforts will be measured.

Behold, the Clasher from Crestline, the Bruiser from ‘Bama, the Rabble-Rouser from Raleigh, Maaaaaaaark Gottfrieeeeeeed.

.@Mark_Gottfried wins best entrance. Hands down

— NC State Men's Bball (@PackMensBball) October 22, 2016

(NC State had professional boxer Deontay Wilder on hand to talk about winning and such—he’s done a lot of winning and such, apparently—to the basketball team, hence the boxing theme.)

That sure beats Roy Williams’ “Late Night With Roy” entrance, which every year is just him wearing tacky pants, holding a nine iron and looking ruefully at a shot he hooked into the milkshake of a little girl in the upper deck. Coach K’s entrance at Duke’s event involves so much hair spray you can actually see the aerosol creating a hole in the ozone layer directly above his head. At Wake Forest, Danny Manning has the Deacon mascot grip his head and “bowl” him on to midcourt. It’s all amazing stuff.

But all of it pales next to an entrance that Mark Gottfried puts together.

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