Wednesday 19 October 2016

Voting "Yes" on transit in Wake County a no-brainer

The demographics demand it:

The need for a comprehensive transit plan is urgent. Wake County is growing by 62 people daily – 22,600 annually. With a total population that exceeds 1 million, people need to be able to more easily get from place to place.

This transit referendum is Wake County’s chance to catch up with its neighbors with an adequately funded plan that will be coordinated with systems throughout the Triangle. Over the 10-years of the program, the modernization of the transportation system in the region will further enhance its attractiveness for economic development and job growth.

Every time I visit Raleigh for a meeting or event, I dread getting in and out of there. And no matter how much buffer time I add for traffic, I'm almost always late. It would be interesting (and depressing, I'm sure) to calculate all the lost production and earnings this traffic causes. Although Raleigh-Durham (sorry, I know some are sensitive to the marriage of the two) is not on this list of the top ten, it probably will be fairly soon:

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