Monday 3 October 2016

Ross campaign ahead of the fundraising curve

Playing in the Big League (but not bigly):

As the Senate contest in North Carolina tightened in recent weeks, Democratic challenger Deborah Ross raked in an impressive third-quarter fundraising haul of nearly $4.3 million, her campaign told BuzzFeed News Sunday.

With Democrats’ hopes of picking up seats in Ohio and Florida now fading, the party is looking to Ross’ race against GOP Sen. Richard Burr in mapping heir path to the majority in the Senate. Real Clear Politics’ polling average of six recent polls shows Ross up by one.

It's also pretty telling that the Burr campaign has chosen to go negative a month before the election, something incumbents usually reserve for the last few days. It smacks of desperation, and will (probably) end up giving her a point or two in the process. But Burr has a lot of powerful friends, who want to keep him in that seat:

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