Sunday 16 October 2016

Here’s an incomplete list of people who are the worst

so much the worst

There are many bad people on this planet, unfortunately, and some are worse than others. Honestly, the “gets angry at unpaid college athlete on Twitter” group is well on down the Worst Types Of People Anyone Should Care About pecking order, but that doesn’t mean it should be free of public humiliation.

If you’re so upset about the outcome of a college sporting event to tweet at the player you believe has wronged you, then maybe—just maybe—said player is not the problem in this equation. College Spun already has put together a nice list of very lame people who harassed Kyle Bambard after his missed last-second field goal at Clemson. (One of them refers to himself as “Bubba Trump.” You could not make this shit up if you tried.)

I’m adding to the list because this brand of coward deserves all the public shaming it can get.

Here, now, an ongoing list of people who are the worst:

@KyleBambard u are trash

— Will Simpson (@willsimpson17) October 16, 2016

The worst.

@KyleBambard we could've beat clemson but u missed a wide open 33 yard field goal... how do you even have a full ride

— ⚡️Chris Wyrick⚡️ (@Chris_ST33ZY12) October 16, 2016

Definitely the worst.

@statefansnation @KyleBambard @spicybull Can't perform under pressure on the field, doubt it'll be much different in life

— 79 Pirates Fan (@TorturedBucFan) October 15, 2016

Incredibly the worst.

I am still so upset by the wasted incredible games by Finley, @DarianRoseboro and @dizzydayes_21. Good job ruining everything, @KyleBambard!

— Black Vishnu (@BlackVishnu) October 16, 2016

Super duper the worst.

.@KyleBambard I personally hate you and your two dads

— Sam Flannery (@SamFlannery_) October 16, 2016

Impressively worster than most of the worst.

@KyleBambard I hate you

— andrew (@andrew28113625) October 16, 2016

The worst conceivable egg, which is saying something, because I can think of a lot of bad eggs.

12 hours later and After having time to think things over @KyleBambard has got to be the worst kicker in the country with a D-1 scholarship

— Cade Brummett (@DarrthCader13) October 16, 2016

If you were wondering if one of these idiots has a shitty motivational poster for a Twitter bio, well, wonder no more, because it’s that fucking guy.

@KyleBambard you're trash and you're probably better at being an RA. Get off the field you embarassment!

— Hunter Griffith (@hgriffith_) October 16, 2016

Let’s not be bringing anyone’s RA aptitude into this discussion, okay, pal.

@KyleBambard good work last night 25% isn't bad sikeee

— Presley Sholar (@pressholar) October 16, 2016

Wow that is a good one.

Good thing @KyleBambard is good at field goals #saidnooneever

— Mike Rose (@mrrose555) October 16, 2016

It’s zingers left and right around here!

Wisconsin's kicker just made a 46-yd FG. I wonder how good that feels?! @KyleBambard could you descr-

Oh wait

— Alex Caudill (@ahc336) October 16, 2016

All of the above persons have earned the BTP 100% WORST seal of approval, you may begin cowardly deleting your tweets once this post goes live.

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