Thursday 7 April 2016

Public school destroyers: Another reason to boycott Wal-Mart

More propaganda in the op-ed pages:

To ensure that North Carolina families have the opportunity to see their schools succeed, it's critical that those engaged understand the biggest challenge to the achievement school district. Teacher's unions and their allies are working to stop this bill. They want more money and time diverted into the same kinds of turnaround programs we have routinely seen fail. This should come as no surprise, because the premise behind achievement districts - that students in failing public schools should be given an alternative - represents a direct challenge to union dominance of education. As a result, these defenders of the status quo are attacking proposals to bring achievement districts to North Carolina with typical scare tactics about waste, fraud, abuse and resource draining. And they're doing so at the expense of better opportunities for our children.

Jeanne Allen is founder and CEO of The Center for Education Reform in Washington, D.C.

Bolding mine. Like many zealots who promote the privatization of our education system, the strategic placement of the hot-button word "Union" is there to inspire fear and loathing. But that's not the only reason it's there. The Walton Family Foundation is a huge source of funding for groups like CER, and anti-union rhetoric is sure-fire way to squeeze a few more dollars out of their annual "gifting."

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