Monday 18 April 2016

NC State drops series finale at Georgia Tech, 16-7

Here's the thing about baseball. There's no clock. It can cut you to death. You can have a bad day before you even realize you're having a bad day. NC State was having an okay day right before everything exploded.

When you can't pitch, that's one thing, and Ryan Williamson was bad on Sunday afternoon. When you can't field, on top of the cruddy pitching, the whole thing dies.

NC State played from behind all afternoon, and thanks to Chance Shepard's grand slam, tied things up at 4-4 in the fourth inning. A Brock Deatherage solo shot gave State a brief 5-4 lead. The house of cards held to this point, but inevitability won out.

Bad luck smacked NC State in the face during the sixth inning; Ryan Williamson recorded two quick outs, and then there were a couple of hideous defensive plays. Georgia Tech hit a ball into shallow right field that nobody called, and it fell in as a hit as the right fielder dove for it. Later, a Tech player crushed a ball to right-center, but it was routine, and Brock Deatherage dropped it.

The extra outs in that inning broke the game wide open

Sometimes you have to pick up your pitcher; sometimes he picks you up. Sometimes everybody is bad at the same time, and so it goes.

Sunday was a disappointment, but in general the important part is winning the series. State grabbed another series, this one on the road. We're good.

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