Wednesday 20 April 2016

HB2 toll continues to rise: 1000 jobs lost in Raleigh

A punch in the gut for those who work in technology:

The head of the Greater Raleigh of Chamber of Commerce is calling for the repeal of North Carolina's anti-LGBT law, HB2, and revealed Tuesday that a technology company that had been planning a 1000 job expansion into the area has now canceled its plans as a direct result of HB2.

"The Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce opposes HB2 and calls for its immediate repeal," Giuliani, whose group includes more than 2300 member companies, says in his statement.

Cue the hammer-headed GOP damage control team to dig around and find out Giuliani is either a Democrat, or gave some money to a Democrat back in 2006. Or something, anything, they can concoct to divert attention from the economic bleeding going on.

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