Monday 25 April 2016

Odds stacked heavily against overturning HB2

The politics of fear and hatred are very effective:

Could, as a Democratic legislator asked on Twitter, state Republicans push back against anti-LGBT measure H.B. 2 in the same way many have against Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy? The short answer is, “Not likely.”

“I am hard-pressed to see how rural social-conservative Republicans let this be overturned, or done away with. It’s just — I don’t see the numbers that are there,” said Michael Bitzer, Catawba College provost and professor of politics and history.

Setting aside for the moment the reality we're in an election year, and most of those GOP lawmakers don't have the spine to jeopardize their "safe seat" by doing the right thing, there's also an ego issue to deal with. After dutifully following their masters' lead and voting for something they couldn't possibly have taken the time to fully understand, to now reverse their position would prove that initial vote was reckless and irresponsible. Again, they don't have the spine. They would be admitting *two* mistakes, one of which calls their actual qualifications to serve into question.

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