Wednesday 27 April 2016

The #goacc Moment of the Week (4/27/2016)

The weekly in-depth look at the best (worst?) moments in ACC schadenfreude.

Welcome back y'all. Time to start another season of the #goacc Moment of the Week! Before I begin, I want to take a moment to congratulate the winner of our third #goacc Tournament, which was as close of a vote as we've EVER seen here on BTP. Just take a look at this:

Hot damn that was a close vote

— Will Thompson (@thrillis4) April 27, 2016

By the slimmest of margins, Boston College actually won something this year, defeating the titanic Page 145 in the finals. Easily the wildest tournament we've had to date, so I'm pretty to excited to see what we've got in store this season! We'll also close with some hilarious photoshops, and a bit of wrasslin'. Let's get right down to it - which is your #goacc Moment of the Week? Vote below!

1. Eliah Drinkwitz has the diet of a college student while 'crootin.

Don't tell my wife what I eat for lunch while on the road recruiting....#Pack2k17

— Eliah Drinkwitz (@CoachDrinkwitz) April 18, 2016

Two honey buns and a Mountain Dew? That's an impressive amount of sugar.

2. UVA blatantly plagiarizes Virginia Tech's Spring Game infographic, gets called out by the Hokies.

Imitation is the greatest form of flattery

The Hoos can borrow our template, we'll keep the #CommonwealthCup

— VT Football (@VT_Football) April 21, 2016

Good gracious - that takes some balls of steel to copy another team's work and post it on social media. Good on VT to call them out while tossing in a burn as well.

3. Chris Paul breaks hand in playoff game, dresses up like Kung Lao from Mortal Kombat on his way out (h/t @World_Wide_Wob).

— Rob Perez (@World_Wide_Wob) April 26, 2016

Kind of insane how quickly the Clippers playoff chances totally plummeted when Paul and Griffin were both injured within minutes of eachother in that game. This wasn't Chris Paul's first ridiculous outfit of the playoffs, however.

4. Chris Paul also dressed up like he was going on a safari (h/t @joey_powell).


— Joey Powell (@Joey_Powell) April 24, 2016

Seriously, what the hell is that shirt?

5. Josh Pastner doesn't want his assistant coaches to play golf (h/t @GolfDigest).

Georgia Tech's new men's head basketball coach doesn't want his assistants to play golf:

— Golf Digest (@GolfDigest) April 15, 2016

This is a bit older news-wise, but it still needed to be discussed. Pretty sure that a coach taking some time to play a round of golf isn't going to affect their ability to focus on helping the team get better. In fact, having a mental break might be good.

6. The NC State Student Body President put his dating profile on a university wide email (h/t @JessicaNolting).


— Jessica Nolting (@JessicaNolting) April 26, 2016

I'm not sure if the SBP did this as a joke or not, but damn, that's........something.

The #suregrin award.

This week's award goes out to the noted haver of #sources Chris Broussard, who clearly wasn't paying attention to the basketball game he was supposed to be covering.


— Danny (@recordsANDradio) April 24, 2016

Good lord. Broussard is the worst.

The best photoshop of the week!

Truly, the best photoshop this week goes out to Kyle Cochran, who brilliantly sums up Jeff Goodman in a single image:

as always...

— Kyle Cochran (@RealKyleCochran) April 27, 2016

And now, for your moment of wrasslin'....


Marcus Smart, currently playing for the Celtics, had an unbelievable flop in a game the other night. Upon further was that damn Randy Orton's fault!!

Have a great week everyone!

Which is your #goacc Moment of the Week?

  129 votes | Results

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