Friday 29 April 2016

Legislature pushing "gag" bill for contaminated water advisories

What you don't know might just kill you:

The proposed legislation would prohibit any state agency, local health board or local health department from issuing a health advisory, unless certain conditions are met. Before a health advisory — such as a do not drink letter — may be issued, a contaminant would have to exceed certain federal or state standards.

At 0.07 parts per billion, the presence of hexavalent chromium in water would give a person a lifetime cancer risk of 1 in 1 million, according to the calculations made by the DHHS experts. At 100 parts per billion, the risk would be 1 in 700, health experts sat.

Just a little context, to give those numbers better meaning: At a rate of 1 in 700, that would be a statewide death toll of some 14,300 people (143 in each county). Mike Hager didn't get that many votes the last time he was elected. Republicans aren't just putting people in danger via "deregulation," they're making good government illegal.

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