Thursday 28 April 2016

The recurring nightmare known as Aldona Wos

Wriggling her way into Neocon national security circles:

For his part, Woolsey all but accused President Obama of appeasement, referencing recent tensions between the United States and Russia in the Baltic Sea. “And I guess I would have to be candid in saying — in having a sense that we’re being led by Neville Chamberlain,” Woolsey said, referring to prime minister of Great Britain in the late 1930s.

Wos gives the impression she wouldn’t mind another high-profile appointment in the federal government. “We’ll have to do our homework and see how between all this intellectual power in the room — see how we in our professional capacities can move this along,” she said, after listening to a sobering warning from Woolsey and Lenczowski about the danger of North Korea exploding a nuclear weapon in space and dismantling the US power grid.

On the plus side, if Queen Aldona does become part of a rejuvenated Neocon movement, odds are she'll fu(# it up just like she did NC DHHS. Or blow all their money outsourcing contracts to management "advisors" whose only possible contribution would be to tell her to *not* outsource any more contracts. This might actually be a good thing, I'll have to think about it.

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