Tuesday 26 April 2016

NC taxpayers footing the bill for trips to ALEC conference

A variation on, "Go out and break me off a switch from that tree so I can beat you with it."

Five Republican leaders plan to seek reimbursements for attending the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, conference last week.

The authorization allows them to receive $104 per day for travel expenses as well as reimbursement for registration fees, which cost up to $750 for legislators at the ALEC event. It is considered professional development.

If you consider abdicating your responsibility to write your own bills, and substituting industry-crafted nonsense in their place "professional development," just how low would they have to go to be considered unethical? Steal candy from a baby, rob a Salvation Army donation can, and then run over a nun in a crosswalk while making their getaway?


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