Wednesday 27 April 2016

GOP's November surge plan: HB2 Referendum

To make sure all the Thumpers and Teabillies turnout to vote:

Apodaca is the top lieutenant to Senate leader Phil Berger, and he told WLOS News 13 that staff attorneys are looking into a constitutional referendum that would make the controversial LGBT law permanent – or kill it.

“If it was up to me, I’d just put it out to a vote of the people – let them decide what they want to do,” Apodaca said. “Let’s put it on the ballot and get it over with once and for all. If the majority wants this, fine. If they don’t, fine.”

Bolding mine, which would no doubt make us the only state out of fifty in which "bathroom rules" are Constitutionally codified. Something tells me this may have been in the back of their twisted minds from the beginning, in order to save the job of a Governor who has continually stumbled through both ethical and intellectual mishaps from the time he was sworn in.

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