Monday 11 April 2016

NC State baseball is hitting its mid-season stride and it's about to get really good

Watch out, folks, the NC State baseball team is methodically taking care of business during an important part of the 2016 season and in the process proving how versatile it can be. State's grabbed four of its last five conference games, and six of the last seven overall. Brian Brown has been fantastic.

When the Wolfpack started this stretch, its fate appeared far less certain, but we didn't really need to worry, it turns out. Of course we worried, because that is our default setting. Had an inkling this team is really good, but still, there was worry.

That's how it always goes. This team is really good.

NC State beat Wake Forest on Friday and Saturday, and will close out the series Monday night at 7 p.m. ET on ESPNU. After that, the degree of difficulty increases, but the way State is going right now, no series is out of reach. Gonna have to hit the road for games at Georgia Tech, Louisville, and Clemson though; that's a tough finish. That's also what made the current run necessary.

Now there's tons of possibilities.

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