Saturday 30 April 2016

Another toxic drinking water contaminant emerges: Firefighting foam

Like we didn't already have enough to worry about:

The chemicals in the foam are known as perfluorinated compounds, or PFCs, which have been linked to prostate, kidney and testicular cancer, along with other illnesses.

North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality spokesman Jamie Kritzer said the agency is awaiting guidance from the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Defense on the issue of the foam.

When issues like this are brought up, I find it exceptionally frustrating. It's one thing when a toxic chemical, that is supposed to be controlled or otherwise kept out of the environment, is spilled due to a structural failure of some sort. That's bad, but it's an accident. But when government entities pour or spray something *they know* will make its way into our water systems, without first making sure it will do no harm to flora and fauna (that includes human animals), that's negligence bordering on the criminal. DEQ needs to get off its butt and at least begin testing, because this stuff is everywhere:

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