Sunday 7 February 2016

When staff editorials go badly wrong

Trying to be too clever for your target audience:

Our Opinion: The threat among us

The Islamic State is at work in North Carolina. Fortunately, so is the FBI.

The murderous terrorist organization controls a large territory in Iraq and Syria, but it also controls the minds of many young people around the world and in this country.

Headline and intro to an editorial in the Greensboro News & Record, which I believe the intent was to demonstrate that fearing someone based on their name, skin color, societal profile, etc., is a mistake. The idea behind this effort is sound, but the delivery is the problem. Trying to "hook" the target audience (Islamaphobes) with inflammatory language, and then towards the end of the article tell them they'd be better off to fear their next-door-neighbor than refugees escaping violence. I consider myself adept at detecting nuanced messages, and this one was a challenge. For those already steeped in fear of the Muslim hordes and other dark-skinned invaders, this approach will accomplish little more than ratcheting up their fear level.

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