Friday 26 February 2016

Charter school explosion in CharMeck projected

Future headline: "Hundreds of students in limbo after charter schools close abruptly."

Mecklenburg County’s public school enrollment is expected to grow by roughly 3,200 students next year. And for every one that chooses Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, the district expects five to pick charter schools.

Now, during the season when families choose schools and districts plan budgets, CMS is making an educated guess that the district will gain about 500 students next year while charters will add almost 2,700. For starters, that means CMS expects to pass along about $45 million in county money to the charter schools serving Mecklenburg students, compared with $37 million this year.

If prior performance is any decent gauge of future performance, that equates to around $15 million in taxpayer dollars that will end up being spent with nothing in return. Let's hope that formula changes for the better, and soon.

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