Monday 15 February 2016

Teacher tenure in the hands of NC Supreme Court

A formal hearing to decide if they deserve a formal hearing when fired:

The N.C. Supreme Court is set to hear arguments on Monday in a legal dispute over public-school teacher pay and policy reforms from 2013 that led to protest marches and rallies in the state capital. At issue is whether a plan to phase out tenure adopted in 2013 amounted to an illegal taking of contract and property rights.

Judge Linda Stephens wrote the majority opinion for the N.C. Court of Appeals. For the past four decades, Stephens stated in the opinion, the “career status,” or tenure, section of the law governing teacher and principal employment contracts “have been a fundamental part of the bargain” that thousands of teachers across the state “accepted when they decided to defer the pursuit of potentially more lucrative professions, as well as the opportunity to work in states that offer better financial compensation to members of their own profession, in order to accept employment in our public schools.”

Possibly the most important aspect of tenure is the reduction in "arbitrary" dismissals, the firing of someone based on subjective personality issues. If a supervisor knows he or she is going to have to explain the reasons for firing an employee in front of a board, they also know their leadership capabilities are under scrutiny. "I just don't like her" isn't going to work in that environment, and it shouldn't. It also shouldn't work when firing teachers who have yet to reach tenure, but that's another discussion. Personnel management is complicated, and requires a lot more effort than most are willing to give. But when you've put your time in, you deserve a guarantee of fair treatment.

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