Wednesday 24 February 2016

Bigotry and hyperbole on parade over LGBT ordinance

NC once again makes national news headlines:

Opponents dubbed it "the bathroom bill." The evangelist Franklin Graham, a North Carolina native, had called the law "wicked" and "filthy" and said it "would allow pedophiles, perverts and predators into women's bathrooms." North Carolina's speaker of the House on Tuesday called it "a major public safety issue."

"I think it's just inappropriate," Republican Sen. David Curtis, who represents a district outside Charlotte, told the Lincoln Times-News. "We have rules in our society and that's just one of the rules in our society. This liberal group is trying to redefine everything about our society. Gender and marriage — just the whole liberal agenda."

If there are any "rules" in a society, they play a distant second fiddle to the laws that are enacted via the democratic process. If anybody should know this, it's somebody who ran for and was elected to the NC Senate, for God's sake. I was going to post a link so you could donate to Curtis' Democratic opponent in November, but he doesn't have one. Grrr.

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