Monday 22 February 2016

White flight when CIAA comes to town

It's not an invasion, it's a basketball tournament:

Last year, when I structured a major deal with CIAA, I was informed that by February, when the games began, white people would leave Charlotte, running in fear of their lives because, God forbid, the blacks were coming to town. And they were bringing their wild parties and shameless outfits and affinity for massive traffic to the city with them.

It’s unfortunate that there is a history of collegiate sportsmanship behind the CIAA brand that exists beyond the fear of too many black people being in close proximity to one another. The college athletes don’t get recognized for their skill and tenacity. The aunts and uncles and grandmothers that come to support their alma mater go unrecognized. The scholarships and community service that are provided in the name of education and sports are not mentioned in conversation.

She's right, and the mainstream media is just as guilty of "reducing" this event to a public nuisance as the white elite are. I don't remember which teams won the Championship games in the last few years, but I do remember a fight that took place off the court between rival teams. Every Spring when (mostly white) fraternities converge on beaches ranging from the Jersey shore to CancĂșn, scores of them are arrested for fighting, drug abuse, and other behavior "frowned upon" by society; but that's just kids "blowing off steam" and doesn't pose a threat to the general public. Our perception of what is and is not a threat is colored. No, I didn't forget to finish that sentence.

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