Saturday 13 February 2016

DisConnect NC: Cheerleaders deployed, detractors annoyed

The big money players really want this thing:

Bond supporters behind the Connect NC Committee, which is registered with the state to promote the bond issue, say they have raised almost half of their $3.3 million goal, enough to launch a first round of TV ads around the state.

“A bond amounts to deferred taxation,” Revels said. “We’re talking about adopting a line of credit and leaving that to future generations to have to pay off, plus substantial interest. So I don’t think it’s a fiscally responsible policy for us to leave that for our children.”

But proponents are likely correct that they won't have to raise taxes to pay for it. They can do that simply by stealing funds that would/should have gone towards annual education budgets. As far as the debt is concerned, it won't just be the state who is forced into the red:

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