Sunday 21 February 2016

Charlotte LGBT non-discrimination ordinance on Monday's agenda

Another chance to get it right:

My girlfriend and I were denied a hotel room when we first moved to Charlotte. We finally got a hotel room in Gastonia after being denied at 3 hotels.

In the end, almost 60 percent of the 146 people who responded said they’d faced discrimination. Scott Bishop, board chair of the LGBT advocacy group MeckPac, read those responses as they came back last year. “I don’t think there was anything in there that surprised me,” he said.

Discrimination comes in many forms, and many of those forms cannot be cured by a government action. But for the ones that can be, such as denial of service based on prejudice, that government action should be supported by all those who believe in equality. A society that allows a subset of its population, however small, to be discriminated against, is a society that has stopped evolving and has complacently accepted a certain amount of bigotry, as long as it doesn't negatively affect the engines of economic growth. But no matter how prosperous that formula is, the injustice remains and will leave a scar that society will live to regret.

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