Friday 25 December 2015

The spy who came in from the lucrative government contract

Rules, regulations and the expectation of privacy are for losers:

The News & Observer’s Joe Neff reported Sunday that an employee of the Keith Corp., which has contracts to handle prison maintenance at several state facilities, used a spy pen to record a meeting he had with the prison superintendent at Maury Correctional Institution in Goldsboro. It seems the employee, Andrew Foster, who was the top Keith employee at Maury, thought the superintendent, Dennis Daniels, had not treated him fairly.

He saw to it that the video of the meeting was sent to two Keith Corp. supervisors in Charlotte. One of those supervisors watched it and then told investigators he instructed Foster not to do it again. A state employee later found the spy pen on an office desk.

Get that? They knew Foster violated a serious rule at the institution, but Keith Corp neither fired this employee nor reassigned him. And we only have their word he was even admonished to "not do it again." Had this been a state employee, he would no longer be a drawing a paycheck from taxpayers.

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