Saturday 12 December 2015

GOP crusade against NCAE continues

Special laws for special enemies:

A state law passed last year required NCAE to have at least 40,000 members to qualify for payroll deductions from state employees. The law calls on the state auditor to verify the membership count every year...The law also singles out NCAE, which is the only group in the law that must have at least 40,000 total members to qualify for dues collections through payroll deductions.

For about a dozen other groups, such as the State Employees Association of North Carolina, the threshold is 2,000 members. In the audit report, SEANC is reported to have 52,900 members – and 32,033 were using the payroll deduction to pay dues.

This particular clause in the law is what's known as a "punitive" state action, as it sets aside a specific group for a regulatory burden others don't have to deal with. There are some rare cases where this is justified, but there must be an overarching "public good" to be attained. In this case, it's purely political, as evidenced by our idiot junior US Senator before he was prematurely elevated:

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