Monday 21 December 2015

"Progressive" orgs and sexual harassment


Not as mutually exclusive as we'd like to believe:

The problem is much bigger than FitzGibbon, progressives told Vox. "Trevor certainly isn't the only one in the progressive space who has done this to me or women I've known, and he won't be the last," Mary said.

"In more than a decade in the movement, I've never worked at a progressive organization or campaign where sexual harassment wasn't an issue of some kind," said one female progressive strategist who asked not to be named. "I think it's a lot harder for progressive organizations to create a space that's free from that than people think it is."

As both a male and a Progressive, I found myself questioning the conclusions reached in this article. Maybe it just "seems" like a bigger problem than it is, you know? But it could be that very thinking that encourages this kind of behavior. When you create an environment where "doing good" is the base assumption, you're also creating an extra layer of "cover" for a sexual predator/harasser. And when well-meaning outsiders pour money into that operation, they are unknowingly providing support for such disgusting behavior:

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